Since my teens, I have spent my life studying and practicing ritual magic. I have evoked and invoked and revelled in the excitement and danger of ceremonial magic. There have been occasions where ceremonies went drastically wrong and much time and effort were necessary to restore normality. At other times, the effects have been tremendously uplifting with materialising forces wafting their shapes through incense smoke and candle flames. To communicate with these entities involves a way of life difficult to express
My own first initiation was activated by an accomplished magician who in turn, had been introduced to the magical world by an older master. After this, by making inner plane connections, I followed a path of self-initiation that led through the elemental magical grades associated with the lower Sephirah of the Tree of Life. After this came the magical workings that lead to the grade of Adeptus minor. The Ceremony for this is long and complicated, often extending over several days of determined and concentrated magical workings. This is where the magician gains the knowledge and conversation of his holy guardian angel, or higher self.
Above this level, magical grades become meaningless and are often used by amateurs who have little or no powers in order to impress neophytes and newcomers to the world of magic. Such magical graduates should be ignored. The true initiate has no need to impress. He is part of a long tradition that will always welcome him or her for what they are. The true seeker will always find a way and pick up the hidden connections that will lead to the inner plane sources of the Mystery teachings.
During my magical journey and, in conjunction with another highly competent initiate, Robert Turner, we founded The Order of the Cubic Stone. Many internet searches describe the OCS as having been founded in the 1930s. This is nonsense, since neither Robert nor I had been born then. In practice it took place in the 1960s.
On this site you will find occult ceremonies, magical hints, guidance in the ways of ritual magic, particularly in terms of new, evolving magical procedures as illustrated in the section on Time and Space. Please do experiment and be bold enough to try some of the ideas included for your own pleasure and learning. Also a section at the rear with OCCULT FICTION GIVEs THE CHANCE for a relaxing read.
Our gratitude to the Light of Lights
Whose brilliance illuminates our lives.
Past is the darkness
Break is the gleam of the day.
Come is the Radiance, sparkling afar.
A starlike blessing to grant us power,
Wisdom and happiness throughout
Our day.
This is a means of communication that as society and time have evolved, so has this procedure.
1.Stand still and quiet and face the East. Hold your arms out in a cross shape and project your mind out through your forehead, into deep space.
2. The vision and imagination of stars will tune your mind to distant communication. Try and visualise a thin golden light travelling through space.At this stage it does not matter to where you project it. Just spend a while in practising your visualisation.
3.At the end of your projected light, sense it change dimensions – perhaps into an artificial planet where people move, communicate and move around.
4. Try and keep the light projection empowered by your own mind and reasoning. After a while let your mind venture along the light flow but, rather as though you are on a train, keep within its confines even if they broaden out occasionally.
5. Pause occasionally and try to sense whatever you pass or whatever impulses may be flowing into you.
6. Say,” Let the glory of radiance ever radiate my being with knowledge and wisdom. Let my mind become aware of different dimensions of consciousness and other means of existence.”
7.Relax your arms, maybe sit if it helps, and become still more receptive. Be aware of Time and Space dimensions and beings. Take long steady breaths as you absorb radiations and incoming influences from afar.
8. Endeavour to change your mental attitude and almost feel like a vessel travelling through space. Feel your mind expanding and acknowledge whatsoever you may contact. Use what ever power names or means of adoration you are aware of.
9. If you feel you have travelled sufficiently, slow down and stop. Stay awhile wherever your minds is. Praise and thank those who safeguard you and wish to communicate with you in the symbolism of the jewels and the vortex of light.
10.After a while retrace your steps. Be aware of any inspiration you have received. Think on this and use this knowledge again on another occasion. Retrieve always the cord that links your inner being to this new awareness.
Throughout time, there have been entities who manipulate force, organise spiritual events and generally supervise and observe non-physical happenings in your universe and dimension. In historical times these were classed as angels and in periods less advanced to all intents and purposes they were known as gods, their hierarchies akin to the romance of classical stories and tradition.
Within any modern religion the angelical aspect still reigns – particularly with Christianity – but the main figureheads, such as the Christ and Mary do provide focal points for the religious communities. The various images of the Christ function totally independently of one another. They are static focal points, even though each have strong egregores. Directed forcefields hold strong to these images and vibrate to directed prayers and meditation. All of these matters, be it to do with Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, any other existing religion, have been used for so long that the figureheads have virtually evolved to communicable images where psychics might observe their independent existence in both your dimension and those of the so called inner planes.
Returning to the Lords of Time and Space we must consider forces that have multi-dimensional aspects of creation and existence. There is a structure of entities contained by the Courts of the Sceptres. This is extended still further by the fact that there are 4 different sceptre worlds. You are mainly concerned with the blue and gold alphabets and sceptres. Over time these beings have subsumed the outlines of Christian angel figures and also less dominant god and goddess figures.
The lords of Time and Space are immensely powerful figures who dominate the Sceptre lands. As the earth and its inhabitants have evolved from primal history, so have these figures but in a totally different time and historical sequence. They are of the atomic, modern dimensions of our physical world and able to so communicate. This is not the case with spiritual images and beings of the past. These, essentially, can satisfy simple human emotions and provide basic inspirationally generated wishes.
Time and Space equates in some ways to modern, electronically, nuclear derived thoughts appropriate to the world in which we live, yet still reign as spiritual entities. They are highly evolved entities which to our mortal thought are the gods and goddesses that would have been praised by civilizations from the historical past.
When you communicate with entities, gods, angels, creators, etc of history you will be directed through our ritual material to highly evolved beings in tune with the world you currently inhabit. If the means were there, they would use computers as a means of contact. Unfortunately, dimensional change does not allow this. May I conclude this article by saying, think modern in your prayers or rituals. Prayers to Jesus might not have resulted in scientific results. Rituals involving the entities and figureheads of the Time and Space hierarchy do have communicators who are aware of the advance of science and current thought patterns of humans.
Think how the earth and your known universe have evolved. A logical extension of this thought, is that all matters spiritual have gone through similar processes. The lords of Time and Space have evolved from hierarchical entities who equate to simple religious figures to complex deities or even scientific gods. This is obviously anathema to any existing religion or mystical beliefs.
However, since human figures still need concrete imagery to worship, praise or adore their deities, the Lords of time and Space inhabit fairly standard occult symbols and figures. By formulating T and S figures and linking them to conventional magical sequences, results can be obtained. However, the closer the magician can move towards Time and Space images, the stronger will be his results.
The use of imagery is very easy to adapt to modern thoughts. Examples are available through modern text books such as The New Guide to the Magic of Time and Space, articles on this website and other works by avant garde occultists. Even simple images such as the cross which in various forms populates most religious systems, can easily be adopted. One example is the four armed cross with a circle on the top of the upright arm. The main difference here is that the worshipper now uses the circle as a means of projecting one’s spiritual essence into the regions of Time and Space. In other words it is a magical tool rather than an image of devotion.
With reference to the blue and gold sceptre world, the same two colours are very prominent in any related symbolism. Interesting results will occur occasionally if you revert to very standard images and symbols, but use the colours of blue and gold. In practice you will find the colours distribute themselves about your mental picture easily and will give a nice boost to your meditative exercises
Authoritive figures, ie the next best things to the gods of old, can be portrayed in sigil form, but it is far easier to use a traditional image using a warrior figure with a crown on their head. If you wish to contact the other sceptre lands, ie scarlet and amethyst, a simple change of colour is sufficient.
Another form of contact is to perform a simple ceremony and sit with pen and note book and literally write down whatever comes into your mind. In practice you will never be overtaxed in this, but the contents will be very revealing of the Sceptre lands. You will also often find the same communicant responding to you on other occasions and a special bond will ensue.
Although I may appear not to be revering the Entities you seek from Time and Space regions, this could not be further from the truth. The Time Lords have an immense power. To all intents and purposes, it is easier to regard them in the conventional way as Gods. But contrary to entities from history, beings from Time and Space seek contacts to aid both their own evolution and that of the planet earth. They are powerful, so approach with care, diligence and devotion. They also look for personal honesty and respect. Yet despite this, and however you contact them, they are a wonderful source of knowledge and inspiration.
In the Beginning he saw no difference.
The earth was good and its children
Knew not the seed within the fruit.
Evening and morning spanned creation
The darkness of night twinkled lights of heaven
A greater light warmed and pulsed the body.
As heat strengthened limbs he realised a soul
Of vitality seeking eastern paradise.
Vision touched the promise, playfully stroked
Budding knowledge, wined the meal of dreams.
And from sleep fortune ribbed
Harmony, cleaving a separation.
Serpent bulged eyes, raised half hooded crimson head,
Throbbed jealousy. forbidden fruit
Firmed, quivered, dropped gaze to tender skin.
Texture fingered shy palm, cooled uncertainty,
Released its hold. Naked was not ashamed.
And the voice said 'Be fruitful and multiply'
Tongue tested a red firmament.
He saw that it was good and would yield.
Lips touched the Tree of Life and
Gulped the food.